Thanks, Animal Emergency and Specialty Center!
Magic Bullet Fund is fortunate that so many clinics throughout the United States help collect donations for us from their clients through our Donation Boxes. Some request a donation when a client pays for treatment, and some charge a small fee for clients who are late for their appointments which goes into our Donation Box. […]
Taeda Burnham in the News, must see!
Watch Taeda in news report Greenville dog needs help with journey through cancer by: Alayna Verduyn, Courtney Layton Posted: Jul 6, 2022 / 05:21 PM EDT GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — Ten years ago, a local dog was rescued in the woods in Northwest Greenville. Now, her owner is turning to the community for support to save her […]
AMC Somerset Clinic staff in bluejeans
Magic Bullet Fund is honored to receive the annual Bluejean donation!The last Friday of every month, Animal Medical Center employees can wear blue jeans for a $5 donation. At the end of the year, those who participated nominate an animal charity to receive the donated funds. The Magic Bullet Fund was nominated and was drawn […]