Magic Bullet Fund Helps 900 Families and their Dogs and Cats with Cancer

Magic Bullet Fund was founded in 2004 by Laurie Kaplan, whose dog Bullet survived lymphoma. She wanted to help people who had a pet with cancer but could not afford treatment fees. And she has! The fund has now helped a whopping 900 pets through cancer treatment.

Bullet was diagnosed with lymphoma on July 17, 2000, and started chemotherapy the very next day. During her visits to the clinic for treatments over the next year and a half, Laurie met many people who had pets with cancer but did not have enough money to pay for the treatments. Her heart broke for them. She wanted to help them get the same chance that Bullet had of beating cancer. Magic Bullet Fund is how she realized that dream.

The fund started slowly. Laurie found time around her other work as a Medical Animal Writer to create it. For the first few years, she helped five and then ten family dogs per year. Then, one of the people whose dog Laurie had helped offered to do one of the tasks involved in running the fund. And then another, and another. Over the years, the fund grew. As more people joined in as volunteers for the fund, Laurie found more ways to promote the fund, help more families, and bring in more donations. Now, the fund has 28 amazing volunteers, helping 50-60 families a year give their pets a chance to survive cancer.

Sadly, there is no shortage of people who have dogs or cats with cancer and cannot afford the astronomical fees for treatment. Laurie would like the fund to reach 1,000 pets and to see 100 families a year receive assistance from the Magic Bullet Fund.

Anyone in the U.S. who has a dog or cat with cancer and needs help can APPLY online at: There are only two criteria for acceptance. The applicant must not have the financial resources to pay for their pet’s treatment, and the pet must have a good chance of nine months to a year of survival with treatment, but not without treatment.

Anyone who shares Laurie’s passion for helping people give their pets a chance to survive cancer can DONATE or volunteer at our website:

If you are wondering what happened to Bullet, he had 75 weeks of chemotherapy. The cancer went into remission after the 2nd treatment and stayed in remission for the rest of Bullet’s life. Laurie attributes his unusual success against cancer to chemotherapy and her unique, well-researched regimen of diet and supplements. Laurie wrote the book “Help Your Dog Fight Cancer” to share her methods, research, and experience with others who have a dog with cancer and want the best chance of survival.

Bullet passed 4 ½ years later, at almost 14 years old, a ripe old age for a Siberian husky! He developed kidney and heart failure, but the cancer never came back. He passed from old age. Magic Bullet Fund is his legacy.